Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rockford Foodie Goes to Green Fire

So, it seems like everyone keeps bringing up this place called Green Fire that took over the Happy Joes Location. I have to say, anything that gets rid of Happy Joe's is already a winner in my book. I am surprised that Happy Joe's closed down. It seemed like one of those places that people everywhere said that they went there, that it wasn't good, but that they will probably go back. Kind of like McDonalds. Lately, whenever someone talks about going to Mcdonalds it usually starts something like "So, I was really desperate." First off guy, what situation comes up where you are so desperate for food that the only place you can eat is McDonalds? When people say I was really desperate, they really mean I was lazy and didn't give a fuck. Hey I am not judging, I recently ate at McDonalds and I was really desperate. So anyways it surprised me that Happy Joe's closed because they seemed pretty busy.

I have to admit though, when I looked at the menu online for Green Fire, I was not impressed. Everything was gumbo jumbo mumbo with some interesting meats. Not that I am a hater on this type of food, I just don't necessarily trust someone in Rockford to do it justice. Since I wasn't sure about the menu I did a spread the risk type of ordering. Spreading the risk at a restaurant means ordering a lot of food so that you are more likely to get something that you will like - yeah, I realize that I am a fatty, and even if it doesn't taste that great, I am still going to eat it. Regardless, the spreading the risk option worked at Green Fire because everything I ordered I really liked. I got a goat cheese pizza which was awesome (goat cheese, yes please), a bottle of Malbec wine which pretty much rocked (Malbec is so in by the way), a cowboy steak (although I ordered shrimp gumbo or something else, but hey the steak was great so I didn't complain), a flavored coffee (almost as good as starbucks), and a peanut butter cake (not as good as my wife's banana cream pie, but still tasty). I rate it highly and I will go back. The menu looked good and I think it has more to offer. I worry though that if I don't have a delicious bottle of Malbec accompanying me that maybe it won't be as good as I remember. As I am sure you know wine compliments a meal in ways pop, beer, and water only wish they could. Imagine going to some ridiculous vampire movie and having to watch it. Your in hell right now right? If you have a Y chromosome you know what I am talking about (where my boys at?). No imagine your watching this movie with a nice salty, buttery bag of popcorn, some sweet chocolate candy, and a nice big pop - now that sounds like a good movie to me. You probably just had your mind blown by that last analogy, so I will leave you with this. Go to Green Fire and get some Malbec!

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