Friday, March 9, 2012

JMK versus Shogun

So I know what you are thinking, whats the difference between JMK and Shogun? To be honest, not much, but it seems like when you ask anyone in this area they have a story and long explanation about why so and so is the better Japanese restaurant. "Well JMK has like 3 dipping sauces and Shogun only has two, and JMKs brown sauce is SOOOOOOO GOOODDD! I could eat it with ice cream!!!"

Yeah, its pretty much a soy sauce, some spiciness, and a little Japanese flavor which is pretty much how all the other sauces taste. It's good, don't get me wrong, but I am not going crazy for dipping sauces here people. You are pretty much paying for presentation/the show (don't deny it my fellow Rockfordians). I feel like these words may end my blogging career before it gets a chance to get huge because the people in this area consider their Japanese restaurants to be their one cool place that they can take their friends that are visiting from Chicago and be like "see guys, Rockford ain't so bad, look at this awesome restaurant. The guy splits an egg in mid-air with a spatula!"

In fact both guys at both restaurants will split an egg in mid-air with a spatula. They are pretty much the same, so if you feel like Japanese, then just pick one that has an open reservation. Oh, and the food is pretty good either way (Rockford Foodie Official Score = 7.1 out of 10 for each place), but beware that your coat will smell like frying oil for a good two weeks.

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